Frequently Asked Questions
What is SOLA?
SOLA (Society of Orthodox Lutheran Advocates) is an organization dedicated to reform the ELCA back to its original core Lutheran and conservative values. This is part of a larger movement called “The Reconquista” and is a unification of several movements. The Reconquista seeks to reform all Main Line protestant churches back into their conservative selves. Many conservative offshoots have left their more liberal denominations (ex. PCA & PCUSA), leaving all the power in the more liberal denominations. We seek to reverse this trend, making it so that conservatives have the power.
The goal of the Reconquista is to strengthen the remnant conservative movements in the Main Line churches, so when the liberals leave them, we can retake the denomination and spread it again. There are two ways to do this, Reform and Reconquer.
Reconquer is an outside - in movement, where the denomination is retaken, so it forces its churches to become orthodox again.
Reform is an inside - out movement where churches are retaken so denominations are forced to become orthodox.
Both of these movements must be combined to make sure that Main Line protestant can return to its tradition and historic values.
What makes the ELCA worth retaking?
The ELCA is worth retaking because it has power in local communities and is the center of Lutheran faith in America. It has more than double the membership of the LCMS, and retaking it provides an invaluable tool to Lutherans in spreading the gospel in America and worldwide. Letting this church die, means losing all its efforts from when it was orthodox, and that means that Christianity’s survival would be at risk. It is very important that the Reconquista, and the retaking of the ELCA succeed.
How can I join the Reconquista?
You can join the Reconquista by joining its discord, and going to this website here:https://www.operationreconquista.com to find out all the important details about the Reconquista, as this website is dedicated to the Lutheran side of it.
What advice do you have for those in the ELCA?
Stay in the ELCA. By leaving your church you let it dissolve into Liberalism, and eventually die out. The percentage of churches without pastors is noticeable, and because of this, entire churches, congregations, and even denominations simply melt away to Atheism or other denominations such as becoming an Evangelical.
If your church is truly very heretical and you are not being fed, go to your nearest Lutheran church, especially if its in the ELCA, rinse and repeat until you find a church you are comfortable retaking. If this means you must go to a WELS or LCMS church, then that’s fine, but if possible, go attend an ELCA church.