How to support SOLA and its mission!
Get Involved
Join a conservative/moderate ELCA church. We are focusing on more moderate and conservative churches, as they are easier to strengthen and revert back to Confessional Lutheranism, but if you are already at a ELCA church, stay where you’re at! Anyone can make a difference. Please, remember, if you are being persecuted at a church, go to a different one [Matthew 10:23].
Donating to our organization, (not set up yet, will be soon!)
If you are not ELCA, you can help the broader Reconquista, by helping in other denominations organizations, such as Presbyterians for the Kingdom, or Young Methodists for Tradition, etc.,
Join our discord, promote our socials, etc., we are planning on starting up some more content creation, so if you are good at that, feel free to send us an email!
Pray! Praying is always a good way to ask for support from God in this struggle to restore the faith to its roots, just as the Reformation was about turning back to tradition, we seek to do the same.